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25 *BEST* $1 Dollar Tree GIFT IDEAS (in a jar!) CHEAP QUICK & EASY!

You can place both of their initials on the cloth or put a design that will remind them of each other. You can also place the year that they are celebrating their anniversary. This way, they can use the handkerchief as display or souvenir of the occasion that they are celebrating. Towels Another standard gift item that is usually monogrammed is the towel. This may not seem appropriate but if you are close friends with at least one of the couple, these kinds of gifts are better appreciated than perhaps drinking glasses or photo albums that are always on the list of anniversary gift ideas. Take note though that you are close to the couple as this may seem pretty intimate. Unbeknownst to many, there is actually a traditional chart of appropriate anniversary gifts that people can give to couples. Each year, there is a corresponding element and modern anniversary symbol that people can use as guide in looking for traditional anniversary gifts for couples. For instance, the first year anniversary is symbolized by paper and the clock while the second year anniversary is symbolized by cotton or straw and the Chinaware. With people constantly on the go, they cannot anymore devote time to knit a sweater or make a photo album. As compromise, some people just buy items that are already made and then make it more personalized by adding design elements such as embroideries and stitchings. Below are some great gift items that you can tinker with and embroider for a more personalized touch. Couples who are on the 5th year usually offer an item made out of wood. The best thing to get made of this material is some piece of furniture. This can be a dinner table set or a small study for those who do some work at home. People who want to give something else aside from wood can try getting some silverware. On every wedding day, one could give a significant definition to it. The question is, what is love? Answer it today and answer it again after ten years. The difference in meaning is all about growing up together, something which can never be comparable to living with a friend or another family member. 

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